Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Breast cancer clinic with woman doctor

Although mostly women experience breast cancer, people all over the world know that not all of the breast cancer doctors are women. Here I recommend a breast cancer clinic that has a woman doctor, I hope this info would be useful for women who live in area between Tokyo and Yokohama particularly those reached by Tokyu Den-en-toshi Line. Actually it was quite not easy to find "jose no sensei" for breast cancer in this area.

This clinic, named "ITO YOKOHAMA CLINIC", is located not so far from Tama Plaza station. Check this website for more info about the schedule, prizes, and what kind of diagnose or treatment that you need. The webpage is in Japanese, but google can help you to translate anyway :)

If you are in a rush or need super quick info, you can paste this address to your map or dial the phone number:

Trust me, the doctor is very kind yet professional! If you don't speak Japanese, I suggest you to come with somebody who can translate to your language. Luckily I was accompanied by a Japanese friend, she helped me a lot starting from finding this clinic's webpage, filling out registration forms (in Japanese), and lastly translating the doctor's diagnosis. Anyway don't worry, during examination the doctor shall guide you in simple English.
As long as you have health insurance, you won't pay a lot for early detection of breast cancer. I was examined by mammary gland echo, a kind of ultrasonography method. They will give you a card and record the doctor's diagnosis for you. It's better to check annually, even though you're not experiencing breast cancer. For example in my case I do not have breast cancer at the moment (gratefully) but ever since there is one of my relatives who does, I have to always update my records at least once a year. Genetic is not the only factor that may cause a cancer. Keep positive mind, always think that you are healthy. Keep a healthy mind is as important as keep a healthy body. Stay away from anything that may ruin your wonderful days! Always stay in positive and lovely environment! Hope this short info would be helpful :)

Sunday, May 10, 2015

First Halal Bakery in Tokyo

Yesterday I was looking for a cafe to have a sit, read some books and take some notes. What popped up on my head were Starbucks and Saint Marc (Chococro) cafe, as many of you may do so. But a friend suggested me this bakery as an alternative, since we were planning to go somewhere not so far from the center of Tokyo.

Liaison is a Halal-certified bakery located at about 10 minutes (on foot) from Mita station, Tokyo. The shop open from 9 AM until 7 PM everyday, except Friday (day-off).
Here is the address:
〒108-0073 東京都港区三田4丁目1−9


Actually it ain't a cafe like Starbucks nor Excelsior, but it was cozy enough for a Moslem to spend couple of hours there since it offers many choices of "edible" foods and drinks. It doesn't provide wifi, but electricity plugs are available. Unfortunately it doesn't have a praying space for the customers (anyway my friend said she's gonna give suggestion to the shop owner).
This halal bakery serves about 20 kinds of bread. So far, I've tried 4 kinds and none of them was disappointing. They were delicious! I strongly recommend you to try chicken-curry bread (kare-pan) and strawberry pastry.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Prayer Room for Moslem at Haneda and Incheon Airports

Last new-year holiday I flew out of Tokyo on Korean Air, headed to my homecountry. Departed from Haneda (Tokyo, Japan) and transited at Incheon airport (Incheon, South Korea). Here I am sharing some info regarding prayer room for Moslem provided by both airports. In Haneda airport, the prayer room was relatively easy to be found. It is located at the 3rd floor. If you go up using the elevator, as the door open you'll find an information desk. Then turn left, walk to the very corner. It is also clearly written on the homepage of Haneda Airport (http://www.haneda-airport.jp/inter/en/premises/service/others.html#pray) as the map is easy to understand.
The door of the prayer room is always locked. You should click on the intercom's button (hanged on the wall, right side of the door) and ask for permission to the officer to use the prayer room. They will always give you permission to use that room after you speak in the intercom either in English or Japanese.
You can take wudhu inside the room. Your compass or qibla director may not work inside the airport, but don't worry since the prayer room also provides wind-direction indicator at the corner of the roof. Let's keep the prayer room clean, do not eat or sleep inside :)
Move to the prayer room at Incheon Airport. Since the airport itself is very huge, it was quite difficult for me to find the prayer room. Well, it seems that there are several prayer rooms there (for many religions) so that one could not find Moslem's prayer room just by following information written on the homepage of Incheon Airport (http://www.airport.kr/iiacms/pageWork.iia?_scode=C2603030900). Even if you ask to some airport's officers, it may difficult for you to find since only few officers know where the Moslem's prayer room is and also very few of them noticed that the info on the web is different from the actual location. I realized this after looking around the airport and talked to several officers. Some of them didn't know and some of them gave me wrong info. Until finally I found the officer that showed me the exact location and told me that it's different from the location mentioned in the homepage. Honestly this is the reason I am writing this article. On the webpage, it's written that prayer room is located near to gate 29.
Actually, Moslem's prayer room at Incheon Airport is located near to gate 24 (duty-free area).
It is on the side that facing the windows (of the airport) and some chairs for departures waiting, not on the side that facing the main corridor. Find the following:
The room doesn't provide water faucet for taking wudhu. However you could find toilet not so far from the gate 24. As shown in figure bellow, the Qibla is drawn (by somebody else, not by me!) on the wall. In the case of that drawing has already been removed, hmmm let me try to remember. The arrow was drawn on the back side of the wall standing right in front of the door. So, the Qibla maybe 45 degree to the left from the door. But I really am not sure! Please figure it out by yourself, I am sorry.
However, I hope this article could help you to find Moslem's prayer room in these airports. Especially in Incheon Airport where the actual location of Moslem's prayer room is different from that is written on the homepage. Good luck!